Sunday, November 22, 2009

Psalm 23

Our pastor, JR, gave a sermon on Psalm 23 today, and it could not have come at a more perfect time for me - I can't wait until the sermon is uploaded to the Apostles site so I can share it with you. I've heard and read this beautiful psalm many, many times before, but hearing those words tonight was truly an answered prayer. It was a much needed reminder of my Shepherd's perfect love and the comprehensive care He provides. Christ already showed that he is capable of saving me by laying down his life - how can I possibly doubt that he has the ability to lead me through the days of this life? I have no reason to fear or worry because He is protecting and comforting me every step of the way.

Psalm 23 (ESV)
A psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
3 He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
4 Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,

I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
5 You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the L

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