Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Inconvenient Love

I know that by saying this, I'm probably just asking to be hated by any and all New Yorkers who had to leave their homes today, but I'm going to go ahead and put it out there:

I love the snow.

Sigh, I know. After months and months of this frigid winter, it's practically blasphemy. But I just can't help it. There's just something about the snow that I can never quite get over...

Even this morning as I was struggling to survive the 12.5-block trek from my apartment to work, I caught myself secretly smiling at each annoying snowflake caught on my eyelashes (However, note to self: wear waterproof mascara during the next snowstorm. Eep.). The eight inches of fresh white covering the sidewalk seemed less like a soon-to-be-slushy-nuisance and more like an invitation to make snowmen. Balancing my heels for the office in one hand and my pink umbrella in the other, I spent each careful, slippery step resisting the urge to skip my way straight up Fifth Avenue to spend the day lost in the beauty of Central Park.

Believe me, I won't mind retiring my Uggs for good in a few weeks - I certainly miss my cute sandals as much as the next girl. I know it's March and spring should feel a whole lot closer than this weather allows. But no matter how ready I am to free my sundresses from the depths of my closet, I know that it's inconvenient and freezing, whimsical and breathtaking snowfalls like the one today that I'll be dreaming about in September.

"When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels." -Unknown

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you still love snow! Did you make any snow angels on your way to work? Love you, Mom
