Sunday, March 15, 2009

Daddy's Girl

I don't take the decision of assigning people to my speed dial lightly. I mean, it's just cruel to ask a girl to choose just nine people who she most often needs to contact at just the press of a button! And considering research shows it takes 21-30 days to form a habit (thank you, Google), who wants to go to all of the trouble of getting used to a new person in one of those coveted spots only to switch them out after a few months?

All this to say: I rarely put boys on my speed dial. And when I do, it's because I expect him to hold that rather significant place for awhile...

Which is why it is no small feat that there is one boy - just one - who has managed to hold the #1 spot on my cell for the last eight or so years... my dad :) And guess what?? In just four short days, he'll be in NYC! Yayyy!

Granted this visit means that you'll find me in a mad cleaning frenzy for the next couple of days (You know, for how often I never have a thing to wear, I don't know how I manage to build up so much laundry every week...), but it'll be worth it for a long weekend filled with fun, frolic and red wine with the #1 man in my life... and on my speed dial.

"The only man a girl can trust is her daddy." -Frenchy in Grease

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pinky:) I JUST saw that pretty butterfly dress in your closet in Lantana - Do you want me to send it to you?? It is so beautiful! Tell Daddy-o hi hi from the DD (Designated Drivers, heehee) half of the family!
