Thursday, March 12, 2009

Somewhere Between Hollywood and Main Street

Everyone has crushes on celebrities... Right?

Their beautiful, perfect, air-brushed faces are plastered everywhere we look. Here in Manhattan, these exquisite creatures even cross that already oh-so-blurred line between Hollywood Blvd and Main Street by actually daring to live among us. I mean, it's only natural that occasionally we might sort of, kind of, maybe forget that we don't actually have any real, well... ummm... chance...? Yeah. Totally normal...

... Right?

Sigh. I may as well face it - When it comes to just a few (read as: apparently more than just a few) of these famous young men, I'm hopeless. Case and point, a rather "typical" conversation with my good friend Kristen earlier today:

my Gchat status: I require at least 26 copies of April's GQ. IMMEDIATELY.
Kristen: hahaha so who is on the cover of GQ?
me: ha. three guesses. and the first two don't count
Kristen: daniel radcliffe?
me: fine. you get ONE more guess
me: because that was a legitimate one, considering we're talking about me
Kristen: the boy from the Tudors whose name is escaping me right now
me: hahahaha Henry Cavill.... valid, but no.
Kristen: Rob Pattinson
me: ha, and thaaat's the one!
me: oh! AND you needed all three guesses! maybe i'm not as transparent as i thought...
Kristen: hahahaha

Whatever. A girl can dream... Right???

"I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it." -Garrison Keillor

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